Thursday, July 3, 2008

Life's little blessings

Joe & Karin's house, it's HUGE, don't be fooled with the photo....

Okay, the deaf child is just me being funny, but it is in the street that I live...

Okay, so, family as you know, I have not found that "ideal" of yet.  But, I am looking forward to working as soon as I find that job.  I cannot believe how much living with my brother has helped me to calm down, and to prioritize my life.  I am still not happy with the singles ward scene, but I am more willing to "give it go!"  So, here are (finally!) some pictures of where I live in Aurora (a suburb of Chicago.)  

1 comment:

Ciara said...

what are you talking about? our awkward singles ward is fantastic! especially relief society and my stalker? oh, and who is that ho jo?